Friday, March 2, 2012

Beyoncé Breastfeeding...So What!!

Dated:  2 March 2012

Beyoncé Breastfeeding In Public:  “Why Is This News?”

Did I miss something?  Why are the headlines across the web screaming about Beyoncé doing what generations of women have done before her?  Breastfeeding in public is now a hot topic because Beyoncé did it?  Really?  Is this what the world has come to?  All across the web people are sounding off, whether in favor of or protest to, Beyoncé doing what most mothers do.  I’m going to need everyone to close their eyes, take a deep breath…and get a life!!! USA Today, ABC News and even International Business Times have chimed in with their opinion of the singer/actress breastfeeding her daughter in public.  They’re acting like she just started the second wave of the Women’s Rights Movement!  People, people, people…tuck your Vicky Secrets away, no need to go burning perfectly good bras!  Beyoncé whipped her tata out in public…so what (Janet did the same thing)!  Beyoncé’s the new face of the “Breastfeeding Advocates Movement”…SO WHAT!!  Beyoncé is helping America destigmatize public breastfeeding…SO FRIGGIN’ WHAT!!! Smh…B, no disrespect to you or Baby Blue, but you know this crap is for the birds.  What do y’all think?  Let me hear your thoughts. 


  1. Lol! U know, we are a society that enjoys the "Fishbowl Syndrome". We love to put celebrities under a microscope and analyze everything they do. Its sad, but very true. I agree that there are more important things going on in the world today. Good post!

    1. Exactly!!! Word to ya mother...and all other women who think this is a waste of a headline. LOL!!!
