Monday, February 27, 2012

Jay-Z vs. Chris Brown...Again?

Dated:  27 February 2012

Mr. Carter vs. Mr. Brown

So here we go again.  Jay-Z has voiced his opinion and disapproval on Rihanna's rekindled friendship with Chris Brown.  I'm sure we all remember the 2009 Pre-Grammy mollywhoppin' that Chris laid on RiRi.  And i'm sure we all remember how vocal Jay was about the unfortunate incident; "Chris is a walking deadman!"  Okay Jay we get it, you bad!  But is Jay in the position to judge?  Does anyone remember this...

Yeah, so um...looks like Chris isn't the only one trading shots with the females.  People it happened three years ago!! If Rihanna can get over it then so should everyone else.  Its said that Jay is concerned about the message Rihanna is sending to her young female fans.  Really Jay, well what message does this send to your brand new baby girl; that it's wrong for other men to hit women, but Daddy can "beatbox" chicks like Biz Markie?  In the illustrious words of Tamar Braxton, "Get ur life!"  You were young and immature once too Mr. Carter.  So instead of judging Chris why not extend a helping and encouraging hand to the young brother.  Be disappointed, be disapproving but don't be a hypocrite...I'm  just saying.

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