Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tamar Braxton: New Album + Spin-off Reality Show

Dated:  29 February 2012

Tamar Braxton:  New Album + Spin-off Reality Show

Every one's favorite Braxton sister is making big moves in the next couple of months.  Tamar Braxton recently spoke to HipHollywood about the release of her upcoming single off her long awaited solo album.  She was very candid about the fact that there will be NO features on her album.  Nothing but TAMAR BRAXTON for about 12 to 15 songs.  Just like most of y'all I am a fan of the overly dramatic younger sister of singer Toni Braxton, but that sounds like a WHOLE lot of Tamar.  SMH...throwing a feature in there to break up the monotony of her sometimes whiny voice seems almost necessary.  But I won't knock it 'til I've heard it.  I mean the girl can sing!  

She also confirmed the rumors about her and hubby Vincent Herbert's spin-off reality show.  I can dig it!  They, unlike the other Braxton sisters and their husbands aren't annoying or repulsive.  I actually find their relationship interesting and endearing. Hopefully they won't fall prey to the reality T.V. curse and find themselves divorcing due to the pressure of having their whole lives taped and aired for the world to see.  Check out the interview below to hear it all from Tamar herself!! 

Battleship: Rihanna's Acting Debut!!!

Dated:  29 February 2012

Rihanna's Getting Her Act On!!!

Rihanna has caught the acting bug and is following in the footsteps of Beyonce, J. Hud and Alicia Keys by starring in the upcoming action flick "Battleship"!  The movie is due to hit UK theaters April 11th and US theaters May 18th.  Check out the trailer below and tell me...HOT or NOT!!!

S/N:  When Hollywood starts making movies based on childhood cartoons and games its safe to say that creativity and originality in the film industry are non existent...Don't get it twisted I'm still going to see the movie; got to support my girl!!!  I'm just saying...

Octavia Spencer: "WINNING" at the Oscars

Dated:  29 February 2012

"WINNING" at the Oscars

Can I get a round of applause for the lovely Mrs. Octavia Spencer!!  Octavia took home her first Oscar win in the "Best Supporting Actress" category at the 2012 Academy Awards ceremony on this past Sunday night.  Her role in "The Help" was critically acclaimed and let me go on record as saying the Sista definitely deserved to be ranked amongst the best!  She is now grouped with the likes of Sidney Poitier, Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Jennifer Hudson and Whoopi Goldberg...just to name a few.  Not a bad List to be apart of, if I do say so myself.  Congrats Mrs. Spencer!!! Having seen the movie myself, I agree whole-hearted with her Oscar win.  Do you think Octavia Spencer was the best choice for "Best Supporting Actress"?  Why or why not?

Check out some more pics below of Octavia's special moment:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Knowles-Carter Family “Out & About” in N.Y.

Dated:  28 February 2012

Knowles-Carter Family “Out & About”

Jay, B and Lil’ Blue hit the streets earlier this week, for the first time, as a family.  The dynamic duo and their precocious tot enjoyed lunch at Sant Ambroeus in New York City.  The family looked comfortable and dare I say it, adorable…yes, even Jay!! Check out the pics below to see more of the family’s first official outing in the Big Apple.

Chris Brown in “The Cell Phone Caper”

Dated: 28 February 2012

Chris Brown in “The Cell Phone Caper”

Chris…sweetie, say it ain’t so!  It appears that America’s favorite bad boy has made headlines yet again.  Chris Brown finds himself staring down the barrel of another possible court case, after being accused of stealing a Florida woman’s cell phone.  Apparently the singer/actor was sitting in the back of his Bentley when 24 year old, Christal Spann approached the vehicle and snapped a shot of the star.  According to the police report, C. Breezy snatched Ms. Spann’s phone and said, “B___!  You ain’t gon’ put that on no website!” before driving off with Ms. Spann’s phone still in his possession.  Seeing as how Mr. Brown is still on probation for the 2009 assault of Rihanna, even the accusation of another crime can put Chris back in the hot seat.  Well, “innocent until proven guilty”, isn’t that how the saying goes?  Young Chris can’t seem to catch a break!!!

However, on the brighter side of things, it seems Chris has Rihanna’s full support.  She has made it undoubtedly clear to her fans, friends and family that she will not tolerate any negative talk about her ex-and possibly current beau.  SMH…I don’t know if Chris did commit the crime he is being accused of but between his delinquent acts and RiRi’s “ride or die” attitude we have the makings of a new “Bonnie & Clyde” on our hands!!! Move over HOV and B!  I think Chris and Rihanna are the real deal!!! What do y’all think? 

Dear “Old Nicki”…Back?

Dated: 28 February 2012

Dear “Old Nicki”…Back?

After Nicki Minaj’s horrific performance at the 2012 Grammy’s ceremony, she seems to be regressing to her original flow.  I’m assuming; sensing a need for change after all the backlash she received from her offensive and questionable display.  The release of her new single “Roman Reloaded” is very reminiscent of her Nicki Miraj days.  Punch lines, cocky phrases and no spazzed out voices that make you want to choke her through the radio.  I was personally relieved to hear her sounding like a human for a change, but I feel like she could have come harder than she did.  Lil Wayne features on the drum heavy track, providing his own barrage of metaphors and sardonic quips.  The song definitely has swag, but do you think it is HIT worthy?  Check out the audio link below and give your opinion.

S/N:  Who do you like better Nicki or Roman? Sound off!!

Nicki Minaj


Lil Wayne: New Clothing Line and Shoe Coming Soon!!

Dated:  28 February 2012

Lil Wayne:  New Clothing Line and Shoe Coming Soon!!

Music Icon and Fashion Misfit, Lil Wayne is taking his influence to a whole new level.  The Rapper/CEO/ Young Money front man is adding another slash to his repertoire of titles.  Lil Wayne is officially a FASHION DESIGNER!!! That’s right!  You heard me.  Dwayne Carter is following in the footsteps of Mr. S. Carter himself, and starting a clothing line.  He announced the launch of his skater themed clothing line, called “Trukfit”.  That seems right on time with the new skater boy image he’s been promoting.  From “Hotboy” to “Blood Gang Affiliate” to “Skater/Rocker”; check out the pics below to view Lil Wayne’s fashion evolution over the years.

S/N:  He’s also talking about the release of his own shoe line.  SMH…I guess you haven’t made it as a rapper until you’re wearing a label with your name on it.  Lil Wayne has joined the ranks of Jay-Z, Diddy, 50 Cent and Eminem. Well good luck Weezy!!! I personally can’t wait to see the new threads…what do you guys think?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Jay-Z vs. Chris Brown...Again?

Dated:  27 February 2012

Mr. Carter vs. Mr. Brown

So here we go again.  Jay-Z has voiced his opinion and disapproval on Rihanna's rekindled friendship with Chris Brown.  I'm sure we all remember the 2009 Pre-Grammy mollywhoppin' that Chris laid on RiRi.  And i'm sure we all remember how vocal Jay was about the unfortunate incident; "Chris is a walking deadman!"  Okay Jay we get it, you bad!  But is Jay in the position to judge?  Does anyone remember this...

Yeah, so um...looks like Chris isn't the only one trading shots with the females.  People it happened three years ago!! If Rihanna can get over it then so should everyone else.  Its said that Jay is concerned about the message Rihanna is sending to her young female fans.  Really Jay, well what message does this send to your brand new baby girl; that it's wrong for other men to hit women, but Daddy can "beatbox" chicks like Biz Markie?  In the illustrious words of Tamar Braxton, "Get ur life!"  You were young and immature once too Mr. Carter.  So instead of judging Chris why not extend a helping and encouraging hand to the young brother.  Be disappointed, be disapproving but don't be a hypocrite...I'm  just saying.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Whitney Houston "I Will Always Love You"

Dated:  26 February 2012

Who Sang It Better?

After the unexpected passing of Ms. Whitney Houston on the eve of the 2012 Grammy ceremony; renditions of her most famous and beloved song took over social networking sites such as Youtube, Twitter and Tumblr.  Many took to their bathrooms, living rooms, and bedrooms and recorded what they believed to be THE best version of Ms. Houston's classic.  I'm a be real, half the joints I heard sounded like the musical stylings of tone def puppies!!! No disrespect, but please people stick to what you know...

I must admit that J. Hud's tribute though heartfelt and my opinion, was not the best.  Glee's Amber Riley however, knocked it out the box!  Every note was in perfect pitch.  Her runs were flawless.  Her vibrato was...Let me stop talking and let you be the judge!!

So what do you think?  Who sang it better? Jennifer or Amber?

S/N: Anybody else find it odd that the sisters with the baddest voices always have white girl names? (Tina, Amber, Patti, Jennifer, Minnie)

Chris Brown and Rihanna on "American Idol"?

Dated:  26 February 2012

                Chris Brown and Rihanna on "American Idol"?

Okay so word on the street is Chris and RiRi may be planning a reunion on the grand ole stage of 'American Idol'.  Sources say that producers of the popular television show are discussing the possibility of the pair collaborating on their stage in front of millions of fans.  Of course after the huge explosion their remix bombs dropped on us last Monday, I'm not surprised the two are now a sought after commodity amongst the industry.  Chris and RiRi together live equals ratings, ratings and more ratings!!! Everyone from Jay-Z to Miranda Lambert to pissed off twitter fans have sounded off on the re-coupling of the pair. While neither Chris nor Rihanna nor Fox have confirmed these rumors I would be lying if I didn't say that the idea of them on stage together would be exciting to watch...From "mollywhoppins" to court appearances to musical collaborations; Chris and RiRi have come along way in the past three years.  Dare I say..."The best is yet to come?" We shall see.  For right now our fingers are crossed and our eyes glued to Twitter to see what controversy these two will spark up next!!!

Check out the links below if you haven't heard the remixes to 
"Birthday Cake" and "Turn Up the Music"